Method is used to remove the contents and cell formatting of a range. This
method should not be used if you EITHER just want to remove the contents of a
range and do not want to remove the cell formatting OR just want to remove the
cell formatting and do not want to remove the contents of a range. The
following example will help to understand better.
us clear the contents and format of cells B5, C5 and D5 using Clear method. Run
a macro with the following procedure:
Sub Clr()
End Sub
Notice all the differences
happened to the cells in the cleared range
- The contents of the cells are cleared
- The border of the cells is cleared and set to template default
- The background color of the cells is set to template default i.e. White
- The font color of the cells is set to template default i.e. Black
- The font type and size of cells are changed from Arial 9 to template default i.e. Calibri 11
- The vertical alignment of the cells are changed from Middle Align to template default of Bottom Align.
- The horizontal alignment of the cells are set to template default i.e. Align Left
Please visit following posts to know about other clear methods available with Excel VBA
ClearContents -
ClearFormats -
ClearComments -
ClearHyperlinks -
ClearNotes -
ClearOutline -